Friday, January 25, 2008

Have a safe journey!

To my dearest buddy, Lydie!

Hope you have a safe journey to the Parachute and Auckland! Have fun! Take care! And remember, photos! =D. Muahahaah. Don't you try to escape, cause you won't succeed. =P. I will NEVER forget bout it, you ever think of it. =))

Hope to talk to you soon! Enjoy while you still can before your school starts! I'm so jealous of you for having longer holidays than me. =(. Hahaha. Jokes.

Take care. See ya soon! Have a pleasant journey! Enjoy!


p.s I know you'll read this, so don't you dare forget bout the photos! =D. heehe.


=). Looks familiar? Hahaha. Yeah, it's still here. I haven't eat yet cause it's special! Don't want to waste it. This represents US! =D


Unknown said...

:o you still have the little ladybugs?! phew... i got kinda scared that they melted or the postman ate them or something! =D

Kevin Kan said...

Yeapp! It's still here in good condition! =D. No worries. It look so CUTE! hahaha. Thank you! =)

Lydiebugz! =DD

Kevin Kan said...
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