Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 1 in Fukuyama (9th December)

Haha, okay. I skipped the first 4 days. Maybe will blog bout it some other time.

There, you can see the schedule of the program.

[In front of the train station]

[waiting for the train]

[bullet train]

Train journey took about 1 hour..
We arrived in Fukuyama station around 10.30am

[Emily and I at Fukuyama train station]

[The school bus waiting at the station]

[James and I in the school bus]

[on the way up hill to my school, that's only about 15% of the hill.]
my school is located on top of the hill, so yeah. =)

[in the multimedia room]

[my school slippers]

[school baseball field]

[Jr & Senior High time table]

Then we head off to cafeteria for lunch....


[my first lunch from the cafeteria]
this food is good. =)

L-R Ashleigh, Stacey, Emily and I

After lunch we head back to the multimedia room.

[School uniform]

Since we have lots of time to 5pm, they decided to bring us for a tour around the school led by 3 of this students.

[They're singing the school song]
*I love the school song!

[Fukuyama Chapter in multimedia room]

Later on, Mr McCartney brought us to the computer lab to prepare our speech for our presentation on Friday, 12th Dec.

[Emily and I in computer lab]

After we're done with our speech, he brought us for a walk down the hill and up again.

[somewhere in the woods. we went for a walk]

All of our host families picked us up from school at 5pm and we went to our home.

That's my room that I stayed in for 5 nights

[Last photo for the day.]

That's all for day 1 in Fukuyama City.

to be continue....

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