Okayy.. Today I shall blog about... Success! =)
Well, I went for the AIESEC induction earlier today. And there's a session where they asked us to think about our future and dreams. So I did.
And yeah, it made me realize how fortunate I am, not just the chance to go for higher education, but also the things I had, I get, having and getting. Which I really felt I'm so lucky and fortunate. I have a car at a very young age, I have my expenses covered up, petrol, almost everything.
My dad once said, the generation we have now is just so lucky, compared to those days during his time. He only had a bicycle as the mode of transport, whereas I already have a car right now. Having a car is so convinient. But the cost of having one, petrol, maintanence everything, which the sum is alot! Yeah, I know all these.
Hmm, I brought my car over here for my convinient sake, where actually I could just go on foot to move about in uni like others do. But my parents allowed and agreed to let me bring my car over here after my first week. Well, you can say I'm spoilt, I'll admit. I used to drive around to lectures at the beginning.
However, started from early this week, I realize that I don't have to get into the car every single day to go for classes. Most of my classes are at the new academic building which, I wouldn't say far from where I'm staying. And so, I've decided to start walking to class. Except on Monday and for sports because it's really really far from my place. That I have no choice but to drive.
Now each time I turn on the car engine, ignite it, I can feel the amount of fuel burnt. Fuel = $$$. And those $ are coming from my parents pocket. They worked for it, but I'm just using it just like that. That's why I've decided to cut down my cost of living here.
Next thing is, although I still get my pocket money from my parents, I'm still keeping record of my expenses over here. It may not actually be necessary, but I just don't want to spend too much over here. I'll try to cut as much as I can. Studying here as a private student, parents already paying a whole sum of money to support my education, I don't want them to spend another sum of money on my living expenses here. I'll do what it takes to cut down the cost.
My dad also once said about my sister that are just spoilt and me no difference either. He said that we don't know how hard life is. We do not know that earnings are really hard to earn. We just know how to spend, that's it. One example is, my sis works for interest more than money, although her pay is less but she doesn't complain. According to my dad, he said that's because she doesn't have to worry about her expenses. She doesn't need to earn so much thinking that she already has everything at home, dinner ready each time she step foot into home, having a car that my parents bought for her. That's what made her feel money isn't important for her.
As for me, he said that although I've worked for few months after STPM before starting my uni. But, those earnings are for my own expenses. Transport to work was by car, and petrol was paid by parents. Hanging around by drving out around, I never think about the petrol or expenses that I'm using. All I think is just to spend and have fun without thinking bout expenses. Petrol empty, go pump using credit card. Money isn't important as I already have everything. Things like that.
Honestly, heard him saying that does made an impact. I admit I don't think about all this before. I do admit that I'm spoilt in a way. But I've told myself, never misused all this. They gave me all these are for my convinience. Because they love me and want me to have an easy life. I know my dad did not have a life that we have now during his time. But he changed, and gave us an easy life.
We may not be rich, just an average. My dad has been working really hard, running his own business. The path that he took before til today, it's not an easy job. Never is. That, I really salute him. He build this company up with his own blood, he runs almost everything his own, his paper work etc. Just recently he manage to get an office and a clerk to do his paper work, which reduced his workload, but yet, he's still working so hard.
Hahah, sorry for that such long story. Here's come the important part. =).
After thinking bout all these, I've told myself. I must succeed, be a successful person. I don't want to disappoint my parents, for everything they'd done for me. Supporting me in my education, giving me everything I need just for my convenient sake. I will not let my parents down. I'll prove them, that everything they'd done for me, is worth doing so.. I really appreciate everything they'd done for me, and now as their son which is still going through education life, my role is to succeed in my education, excel in it and get a good career. I may not be the best like my sisters, but they do not compare. They know where I stand, they don't push too much on me, but I know, in their heart, they really want to see their boy as a successful person.
4 years down the road, I'll be graduating like both my sis already did.
I'll achieve my goal.. Reaching for it..
As a student and most importantly a son, I'll do my part.
Thank you daddy and mommy for everything, your support. I really do appreciate it.
Love you..

That's the graduation photo of my sisters. 4 years later it'll be my turn. I would want them to see their smile on their face, and in their mind, "I'm really proud of him..."
=). Signing off!