Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, 7/3/08

It's a holiday today! First day of the 1st term holiday. Only certain school have holiday today. But those school that took holiday today had replace it one day. So it's the same. =(

Today, my neighbour brought me to a fitness centre to checkout the place. Hahaha. It was my first time to a fitness centre. And that place is really huge! 3 stories. Imagine that. Hahaha. The place is really cool. =D.

[Checkout the number of treadmills they have, there's lots more.]

[I took this while resting after "cycling". =D]

[See how big is it, that's a mirror. And what you see is about 1/4 of the whole floor. And the whole place is 3-floors. Picture that.]

[Another corner.]

[Spot me. Hahaha.]

Hahaha, I didn't do much workouts there. Cause wanted to "conserve" energy for the initial plans for the day, ice skating, but last minute changes. =(.

My neighbour went for Yoga class, so I was alone. But I had fun exercising. =D. I think I ran about 30mins+ on the treadmill. Hahaha.

Then at night, I followed my neighbour (friends) out for bowling. Ahhh, I played really bad this time. =(. I need to improve! Hahaha. Oh well, we played team. The 1st game my team got runners-up but the 2nd game we won! =D. Hahaha. But the points that I scored was kinda bad, compared to the last time I played. =(.

After that we went for a drink, some of them ate and talked til 11pm+

Went back after that, start packing (going Malacca & Singapore), online, and here I am. =).

Bye for now. Til then. =)

p.s Thank you, Aunt Shanta for bringing me out today. Had fun! =)

13 days and COUNTING!
[Only one person know bout it. The name starts with L. =D]

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